Ext JS - 8. List of component xtype.
Class Ext.Component
Package: | Ext |
Defined In: | Component.js |
Class: | Component |
Subclasses: | BoxComponent, ColorPalette, DatePicker, Editor, BaseItem |
Extends: | Observable |
Base class for all Ext components. All subclasses of Component may participate in the automated Ext component lifecycle of creation, rendering and destruction which is provided by the Container class. Components may be added to a Container through the items config option at the time the Container is created, or they may be added dynamically via the add method.
The Component base class has built-in support for basic hide/show and enable/disable behavior.
All Components are registered with the Ext.ComponentMgr on construction so that they can be referenced at any time via Ext.getCmp, passing the id.
All user-developed visual widgets that are required to participate in automated lifecycle and size management should subclass Component (or Ext.BoxComponent if managed box model handling is required, ie height and width management).
See the Creating new UI controls tutorial for details on how and to either extend or augment ExtJs base classes to create custom Components.
Every component has a specific xtype, which is its Ext-specific type name, along with methods for checking the xtype like getXType and isXType. This is the list of all valid xtypes:
xtype Class ------------- ------------------ box Ext.BoxComponent button Ext.Button buttongroup Ext.ButtonGroup colorpalette Ext.ColorPalette component Ext.Component container Ext.Container cycle Ext.CycleButton dataview Ext.DataView datepicker Ext.DatePicker editor Ext.Editor editorgrid Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel flash Ext.FlashComponent grid Ext.grid.GridPanel listview Ext.ListView panel Ext.Panel progress Ext.ProgressBar propertygrid Ext.grid.PropertyGrid slider Ext.Slider spacer Ext.Spacer splitbutton Ext.SplitButton tabpanel Ext.TabPanel treepanel Ext.tree.TreePanel viewport Ext.ViewPort window Ext.Window Toolbar components --------------------------------------- paging Ext.PagingToolbar toolbar Ext.Toolbar tbbutton Ext.Toolbar.Button (deprecated; use button) tbfill Ext.Toolbar.Fill tbitem Ext.Toolbar.Item tbseparator Ext.Toolbar.Separator tbspacer Ext.Toolbar.Spacer tbsplit Ext.Toolbar.SplitButton (deprecated; use splitbutton) tbtext Ext.Toolbar.TextItem Menu components --------------------------------------- menu Ext.menu.Menu colormenu Ext.menu.ColorMenu datemenu Ext.menu.DateMenu menubaseitem Ext.menu.BaseItem menucheckitem Ext.menu.CheckItem menuitem Ext.menu.Item menuseparator Ext.menu.Separator menutextitem Ext.menu.TextItem Form components --------------------------------------- form Ext.form.FormPanel checkbox Ext.form.Checkbox checkboxgroup Ext.form.CheckboxGroup combo Ext.form.ComboBox datefield Ext.form.DateField displayfield Ext.form.DisplayField field Ext.form.Field fieldset Ext.form.FieldSet hidden Ext.form.Hidden htmleditor Ext.form.HtmlEditor label Ext.form.Label numberfield Ext.form.NumberField radio Ext.form.Radio radiogroup Ext.form.RadioGroup textarea Ext.form.TextArea textfield Ext.form.TextField timefield Ext.form.TimeField trigger Ext.form.TriggerField Chart components --------------------------------------- chart Ext.chart.Chart barchart Ext.chart.BarChart cartesianchart Ext.chart.CartesianChart columnchart Ext.chart.ColumnChart linechart Ext.chart.LineChart piechart Ext.chart.PieChart Store xtypes --------------------------------------- arraystore Ext.data.ArrayStore directstore Ext.data.DirectStore groupingstore Ext.data.GroupingStore jsonstore Ext.data.JsonStore simplestore Ext.data.SimpleStore (deprecated; use arraystore) store Ext.data.Store xmlstore Ext.data.XmlStore
자주 사용하게 되는 xtype 의 목록